Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Truth Is That I Should Never Drive Again

Of course I can drive. I’m a better driver than two squirrels working the pedals while a beaver is steering, or if you want to keep the comparisons human, I drive better than a ten year old (unless they grew up on a farm because you learn to drive early).

I have my license…so I’m legal to drive.

I haven’t killed anybody (or even hit anybody) with my vehicle (or otherwise…I’m a nice guy).

In all honesty…

I believe that I drive better than any stupid ass moron out there. The people that should have their driver’s licenses cut up and flushed down the toilet. The people that are reckless and actually do harm to people and/or property.


I still scare myself sometimes, and truly believe that I should never drive again just to be safe.

It’s not a copout, or anything like that. The main reason is that I’m slow to react, and that can be deadly.


I can’t even use the remote control on the DVR to fast forward through commercials because I end up going way too far into the show, which can be considered normal, except I can take it to the extreme and go past the commercials, into the show, through the next set of commercials, into the show, and then have to try and close my eyes to not ruin the show I’m watching while rewinding it.

I’m slow to react…

I’ve had seizures while driving in the past, which I have shared with you, but I have gotten lost also.


Anyone who knows me, knows that I get lost in a paper bag. That’s normal because I have no sense of direction.

I’m talking about the other night when I was coming home. It was on a Sunday evening, and even though I was on a main road, there wasn’t a lot of traffic. I drove past the hospital and made a mental observation of an ambulance trying to turn the wrong way or something.

Then I remember being lost and confused because the road I was planning to turn on was miles behind me. I was down by the college.

I got my mind straight and drove home.

I could have been spacing off, but it felt pretty instantaneous to me…one minute I was by the hospital and then by college, like they were next door to each other.

That scares me.

I’m happy to report that my city doesn’t have red light cameras. I don’t know if I ran a red light or not…just saying.

So what does the National Multiple Sclerosis Society have to say about driving with MS?

A lot actually…here is a little piece of what they have to say…

Ways in which MS symptoms may affect your driving ability and safety

Research has shown that a person’s driving performance may be negatively affected by symptoms associated with MS. For example, recent studies show that both cognitive changes and spasticity (muscle stiffness or spasms) affect driving performance, putting the person at an increased risk for an automobile crash. In addition, difficulties with information processing and visual-spatial skills are associated with decreased driving performance. In other words, MS can impact many functions necessary for safe driving. Changes in MS over time may result in difficulty operating a car. Your ability to drive safely may be affected if you experience any of the following:
  • Difficulty getting into or out of a car
  • Muscle weakness or stiffness/spasms/cramps or pain, particularly in the arms or right foot
  • Loss of sensation in the feet or hands
  • Impaired coordination
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Fatigue
  • Seizures or loss of consciousness
  • Blurred vision, blind spots, double vision, loss of color vision
  • Cognitive problems such as short-term memory loss; disorientation while driving such as forgetting your destination, getting confused about where you are or missing exits; poor concentration; inability to multitask; and confusion about how to turn the car on or off
  • Mood changes: depression and/or problems controlling anger

Even if your MS symptoms seem to be mild and manageable, other indications that your driving safety may already be compromised include automobile accidents or near misses, moving violations, and the unwillingness of others to be a passenger while you are driving.

Tips on remaining safe while driving

Since the symptoms of MS often are not only relapsing or remitting, but also can fluctuate from day to day and during a single day, your ability to drive may also fluctuate. The following tips may be helpful:
  • Don’t drive when you are having a bad day
  • Keep your trips short if fatigue is an issue; avoid driving when you know your fatigue is severe
  • Avoid driving during periods of heavy traffic
  • Avoid driving in bad weather
  • Avoid distractions such as eating, arguing with passengers or using a cell phone. Talking on a cell phone or texting while driving have been shown to increase the risk of fatal accidents and are now illegal in many states.
  • Avoid driving when you have another illness (e.g., flu), because MS symptoms are often worse when your body is under increased stress

Link to read more about driving with MS…

I Haven’t Written For a Long Time, but I Don’t Have an Excuse

Did I get better?

Am I cured?


Life has just been crazy (the good and the bad), and it seems like I always put my own personal stuff on the proverbial back burner.

I still have good days, okay days, bad days, and days that don’t fit into any category because my whole day isn’t effected.


Good and bad is irrelevant, because life must move forward. I can’t (I guess that I could) just let the darkness of this disease overtake me because I have things to do and bills to pay.

The future is uncertain, so why not make the best of today…of what you have…because I guarantee you that billions of people have it worse than you in some aspects of their lives.

Life is an adventure, and with MS it really is. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Too Tired to Walk, Talk, or Make it Home

I read this article on livestrong.com and found it pretty interesting. As a person living with MS, fatigue is a real part of everyday life.
Don’t confuse fatigue with being tired…that is a completely different game all together.

For me personally, fatigue will ruin our day. I say “our” because it effects my family as well, because now I’m down and out and plans have changed…again.
There have been times when I pushed myself beyond my limits, when I knew it was coming on, because I didn’t want it to beat me again. Only to be “stuck” and not knowing how I was going to make it back to the car to get home (obviously my wife was driving). Then sleep the rest of that day, all night, the next day, and then all of the next night.
I usually don’t sleep as long as that last example, but fatigue does kick my butt hard.

I have learned some lessons along the way, and give in a little more easily.
I’m still stuborn, but I listen to my body…
Hold on…
That’s a lie (or half lie)…
I’m still stuborn, but I listen to my WIFE when she sees my energy draining…
I listen to my body too…sort of.

So when I came across these tips, I thought that I would share them with you, so that you could understand what is going on in your world. This doesn’t explain everything about fatigue, but it is a good starting point.
Research it for yourself, but start here first (since you’re here already)…

7 Tips for Beating MS Fatigue
Part 1 of 10:

Common Fatigue

Almost everyone who has multiple sclerosis (MS) also has fatigue. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), around 80 percent of those diagnosed with the condition will experience fatigue at some point during the course of the disease. However, the exact cause of MS-related fatigue remains unknown.
Part 2 of 10:

A Different Kind of Tired

Before learning how to beat fatigue, it’s useful to understand the types of fatigue you may face when you have MS. Researchers have started to identify a number of distinct characteristics associated specifically with MS that make it quite different from garden-variety tiredness, such as:
  • Onset: It can begin suddenly.
  • Frequency: It often occurs every day.
  • Time of day: It can occur in the morning, despite having slept the night before.
  • Progression: It commonly worsens throughout the day.
  • Heat-sensitive: Heat and humidity may aggravate it.
  • Severity: It tends to be more severe than other types of fatigue.
  • Effect on activities: It is more likely than regular fatigue to disrupt ability to perform everyday tasks.
Part 3 of 10:

Tip 1: Exercise Often

According to the Cleveland Clinic, regular physical activity can help fight fatigue related to MS. Sticking with a consistent exercise program can help with endurance, balance, weight loss, and general well-being—all important for people struggling with. However, one caveat: while exercise helps some people with MS, there are others with the condition who won’t experience the same benefit. If in doubt, talk to your doctor before starting any kind of new fitness program—and remember that the goal of exercise is to give you more energy, not make you feel more tired.
Part 4 of 10:

Tip 2: Conserve Energy

Energy conservation isn’t just important for the environment, it’s also a key principle for those with MS. What’s your best time of day to get things done—the time when you feel the most energetic? If you notice that you feel less fatigue in the morning, then take advantage of your extra energy to take care of tasks like shopping and cleaning. You can also conserve energy and recharge your batteries simply by taking a nap.
Part 5 of 10:

Tip 3: Review Your Medications

While some medicines including aspirin can help with fatigue management, the Cleveland Clinic recommends avoiding using medicines to treat tiredness. This is because as an MS patient, you may already be taking other medications, and it’s best to limit the number of drugs that you take when possible. 
If you’re taking medicines for other symptoms, check their side effects to ensure that they aren’t adding to your fatigue. Talk to your doctor about each medicine that you take, and work together to determine whether those that cause fatigue can be eliminated. 
Part 6 of 10:

Tip 4: Stay Cool

MS patients may be especially sensitive to heat. As a result, they may experience more fatigue when they’re in a warmer environment or become overheated. Try these techniques to cool down:
  • Use air conditioning as needed, especially in the summer months.
  • Wear a cooling vest.
  • Take a cool shower.
  • Jump in a swimming pool.
  • Drink icy beverages.
  • Wear lightweight clothes.
Part 7 of 10:

Tip 5: Try Therapy

If your own lifestyle changes don’t give you the energy boost that you need, you may want to try occupational or physical therapy. In occupational therapy, a trained specialist helps you to simplify activities in your work or home environments. This may involve using adaptive equipment or changing the environment to help increase physical and mental energy. In physical therapy, a trained professional helps you more effectively perform daily physical tasks—for example, using techniques or devices that may help you to conserve energy while walking. 
Part 8 of 10:

Tip 6: Regulate Your Sleep

Sleep problems are often behind the fatigue that people with MS experience. Whether you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting the amount and type of sleep you need to awaken feeling refreshed, the result is the same: you’ll feel tired.
To prevent these problems, it’s important to regulate your sleep. This might involve identifying and treating other symptoms of MS that cause sleep problems—for example, urinary dysfunction. If all else fails, you might talk with your doctor about using sleep medications for a short period of time. 
Part 9 of 10:

Tip 7: Practice Good Clean Living

Certain behaviors may seem to help with fatigue, but in the end may cause more problems than they solve. While drinking a hot beverage may sound like a good way to wind down if you’re having trouble sleeping, if your drink contains caffeine as is common in coffee or tea, you may be prevented from falling asleep, which can lead to fatigue the next day. 
Similarly, while alcohol may help you feel sleepy after you first drink it, it can later make it harder to get a restful night’s sleep. Review your behaviors that may be contributing to poor sleep habits and fatigue, and take measures to stop them. 
Part 10 of 10:

Awakening to the Problem

Fatigue from MS can wreak havoc on your life for many reasons, both at work and home. It may severely limit the types of activities you choose, and may even result in having to leave your job. So it’s worth it to learn how to manage the fatigue caused by MS. If in doubt about which tips are right for you, talk to your doctor for guidance.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It’s Not Recommended to Have a Seizure While Driving

I don’t recommend having any type of seizure while driving because it’s dangerous…to say the least.

Well duh…

That’s just stupid. Why would anyone want to have a seizure…driving or not driving?


That’s the reality for 3% of the population.

Did you know…

Folks living with Multiple Sclerosis also have seizures?

Yes they do…with 2-5% of the MS population has seizures.

Seizures may take several forms:
  • Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are brief episodes of unconsciousness with uncontrollable jerking movements of the extremities.
  • Generalized absence seizures are momentary lapses of consciousness without abnormal movements.
  • Partial complex seizures are periods of stereotyped repetitive activity. The person appears to be awake but does not respond to external stimuli.

And according to one article…

Seizures have been recognized to occur in MS since the earliest descriptions of this disease and were included in textbook descriptions of MS symptoms for over 125 years. Since that time, seizures have been reported in many clinical descriptions of the disease. Recent descriptions of the pathological findings associated with MS, including increased appreciation of cortical and subcortical demyelination with and without inflammation, have shed light onto possible explanations of why seizures may be more common in MS than in the general population.


Let’s focus on the absence seizure (aka Petit Mal Seizures)

According to the Mayo Clinic…

An indication of simple absence seizure is a vacant stare, which may be mistaken for a lapse in attention that lasts 10 to 15 seconds, without any subsequent confusion, headache or drowsiness. Signs and symptoms of absence seizures include:
·         Sudden stop in motion without falling
·         Lip smacking
·         Eyelid flutters
·         Chewing motions
·         Finger rubbing
·         Small movements of both hands

Absence seizures generally last 10 to 15 seconds, followed immediately by full recovery. Afterward, there's no memory of the incident. Some people have dozens of episodes daily, which interfere with school or daily activities.


And what does Healthline have to say about that?

Absence epilepsy is characterized by petit mal seizures, also known as absence seizures. These seizures are brief, usually less than 15 seconds, and have symptoms that may be barely noticeable. However, loss of consciousness, even for such a short time, can make absence epilepsy dangerous…

Signs a person may be experiencing a petit mal seizure include:

  • staring off into space
  • smacking the lips together
  • fluttering eyelids
  • stopping speech mid-sentence
  • making sudden hand movements
  • leaning forward or backward
  • appearing suddenly motionless
You can tell if a person is experiencing an absence seizure, as opposed to some other type of episode that resembles an absence seizure, because an absence seizure cannot be interrupted with touch or sound. Large-scale seizures may begin with an aura or warning sensation. However, petit mal seizures typically occur suddenly and with no warning. This makes taking precautions to protect the patient important.

Petit mal seizures typically last less than 15 seconds before the person returns to normal behavior. The patient does not typically have any memory of the past few moments or the seizure itself. Some petit mal seizures last longer. These are known as atypical petit mal seizures and can last several minutes.

While petit mal seizures may have to do with the brain, they do not cause brain damage… Falls do not typically happen during the seizure. A person can experience petit mal seizures a dozen or more times per day without any ill effects… Because the patient is unaware the seizure is taking place, others are usually the first to notice the petit mal seizures.


My situation

I was driving this morning in downtown Vancouver on my way to a meeting.

The street has one lane each way.

I heard a car honking, but my brain was foggy for a moment…like I didn’t know where I was.

I was confused.

I was stopped…my foot was on the brake.

Cars were coming towards me in the other lane.

There were cars behind me (one of which was honking).

My first thought was that I was at an intersection waiting to turn…I was confused.

No stop light.

No stop sign.

No intersection or side street.

On both sides of me were rows of businesses, and cars parked on the sides of the street. There was nowhere for me to go other than straight.

I had absolutely no reason to stop.

So why did I stop?


I don’t remember stopping. I don’t remember thinking that I needed to stop.

I have no memory at all.


I am glad that I did stop rather than something worse happening.

Why was that car honking?

Was I out for a few seconds and they were impatient?

Was I out for longer and they were impatient?

What a jerk…some dude is having a seizure in the car in front of you and all you can do is honk. 

Luckily I don’t have seizures that cause me to drive in reverse…that would give you a reason to honk.

Maybe I’m just jealous because I can never find the damn horn when I want or need to honk.

Back to my seizure

I can’t tell you if it happens often, but I can tell you that it happened twice about 4 years ago. I can’t recall the details of one of the situations other than something happened that cause me to loose time. I was on the bathroom floor that time though.

The second situation was when I was brushing my teeth one morning. All I remember is brushing my teeth…then I standing there looking at myself in the mirror. My electric toothbrush was vibrating on the bottom of the sink. I had toothpaste in and around my mouth. I don’t know what happened. I don’t remember dropping my toothbrush.

That was scary…

Today was scarier…

Today I called the doctor…

Monday, June 15, 2015

What Does MS and “The Humpty Dance” Have In Common?

Digital Underground’s Shock G (aka Humpty Hump) must have had Multiple Sclerosis in mind when he created his dance.

I’m joking of course…

But there is some truth to it…

I’m trying to walk around more and more without my cane, not because I don’t need it, but because it is a pain in the ass.

I’m right handed, and my cane goes in my right hand (that’s the side that I need it on…mostly).

I’m automatically down a hand…

My dominate hand.

So that sucks, but it gets worse…

If I need both hands for something, I prop my cane up (either against myself or an object in front of me).

Then the cane falls over…

I pick it up…

And it falls over…


And again…

And again…

The best part of this highly frustrating act is the people watching, smiling, and/or laughing.

(No joke)

Should I take a bow?

The part that really hurts me is the needing of help…

Not the act of needing help.

But being called an invalid for needing help.

Yes…I was called an invalid.

That hurts!

Really bad…

Sticks and stones is BS because words can tear you apart.

So unless I absolutely need it…

…or have a full day planned…

I try and avoid it.


What does walking without a cane look like?


A lot of the time it looks like the eternal words of Humpty Hump…

“First I limp to the side like my leg was broken
Shaking and twitching kinda like I was smoking
Crazy wack funky
People say ya look like M.C. Hammer on crack, Humpty
That's all right cause my body's in motion
It's supposed to look like a fit or a convulsion
Anyone can play this game
This is my dance, y'all, Humpty Hump's my name
No two people will do it the same
Ya got it down when ya appear to be in pain
Humping, funking, jumping
Jig around, shaking ya rump
And when a doo-doo chump punk points a finger like a stump
Tell him step off, I'm doing the Hump”

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

So my face twitches now…at least on the right side.

It is in my cheek area, below my eye and above my jaw line.

The good news is that my wife tells me that she cannot see it, but I don’t get the sense that she is really looking.

Don’t get me wrong…she cares. Plus I don’t usually tell her when weird things are going on.

It doesn’t hurt, but by no means does it feel pleasant. It is very uncomfortable.

Imagine if you can…

Getting a “Charlie Horse”…aka leg cramp.

Sometimes there is this moment when you can feel the sensation of pre-cramping, where the muscles twitch as the “Charlie Horse” tries to take hold.

If you can imagine that…then you know what my face feels like.

If you can’t…LUCKY YOU!!!!!

Some doctors argue whether or not it is not MS related, but MS is one of the few diseases that cause facial twitching.

All doctors agree that facial twitching can occur in people living with Multiple Sclerosis.

Watch me get all scientific…Hemifacial Spasm…

According to Neurologist…Dr. Darshan Shah…

Facial nerve abnormalities are a symptom of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and can cause weakness of one side of the face, facial muscle spasm or twitching.”

Here are what some other experts have to say:

General Information
  • Hemifacial spasm involves muscles spasms on one side of the face caused by compression of a facial nerve by a blood vessel, most often an artery. On occasion, benign tumors, certain vascular malformations, multiple sclerosis or adhesions will cause hemi-facial spasm.
  • This condition primarily consists of involuntary, painless and intermittent contractions of the muscles of the face on one side. The spasms may be limited to the upper or lower half only, and excess tearing may occur.
  • The condition usually begins with occasional contractions of the muscles around the eyes and slowly progresses to involve the entire half of the face.
  • Symptoms may be present during sleep.
  • In addition to clinical findings of symptoms, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scan is recommended for most patients to rule out the possibility of tumor or vascular malformation.
  • Relief from hemifacial spasm generally requires surgery. The surgical procedure of choice involves microvascular surgery to physically move the offending blood vessel off of the nerve.
  • Early, mild cases may be managed with observation.
  • Local injection of botulinum toxin into the affected muscles may be effective in some patients.

Hemifacial spasm, also known as tic convulsif, is a condition that causes frequent “tics,” or muscle spasms, on one side of the face. These tics are usually not painful, although they can be uncomfortable, and they are usually not life-threatening. But they are distressing to the patient, and as the condition worsens the tics can become more and more frequent and intrusive…

…hemifacial spasm is caused by any one of a number of possible irritants to a facial nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder of the fifth cranial nerve, while hemifacial spasm is centered on the seventh cranial nerve. Hemifacial spasm is most commonly caused by a small blood vessel (usually an artery) compressing the facial nerve at the brainstem. In rare cases it may be caused by an injury to the nerve, by a vascular malformation, by multiple sclerosis, or by a benign tumor or lesion pressing on the nerve.

Numbness, tingling, twitching and pain symptoms of multiple sclerosis
·         Tingling, burning or feelings of crawling movement in the arms and legs
·         Painful muscle spasms
·         Facial pain
·         Facial muscle twitching
·         Facial weakness 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Are Socks For Anyway?

Cold hands and feet suck, and there is nothing that I or anyone else can do about the issue. And when I say cold…

I mean cold…

Like you went out and played in the snow without any gloves and/or socks and shoes on.

Like you fell in an icy lake naked.

I wear socks everyday all year long, but they don’t help one bit, but wearing socks also keeps my feet from getting that much colder; which is hard to explain, but there is a difference (not much of one…maybe it’s a placebo effect).

I use a heating pad on my feet, which seems to work. The problem is that it takes a long time before I can start to feel the heat. And it only works as long as there is direct contact. As soon as that heat contact is gone…my feet are freezing again.

My hands are the same way…

Can you imagine typing when your hands are so cold that they barely function?

Not only do I have extremely cold hands…I also have issues with fine motor skills, which makes it hard to use a computer anyways, but we won’t talk about that now because this article is about the MS version of “Frozen”, but with more singing.

Gloves don’t really work either, and are…well…socks for your hands. They don’t warm up my hands, but they keep the cold from getting worse. Plus, there is no way to type with gloves on, and so I cut the fingers off.

Bravo…a weak ass solution that helps a little bit.

Lucky for me, my cold hands and feet started to come and go as they please. It is there most of the time, but I am fortunate enough to get some warmer breaks. Where it used to be constant without any relief…happy days.

A photo of my hand...

Did you know?

A lot of doctors dismiss cold hands and feet as being MS related…


There is me. My neighbor across the street that has MS, but her hands and feet haven’t warmed up in years. Some of the other MS folks that I have talked to. Thousands of examples online.

But doctors still don’t know if cold extremities are related to MS.

Maybe it’s not.

Maybe thousands of unlucky MS patients also contracted the deadly “Frozus Feetsus and Handsus Disease” while back backing through the Alps. It is a pandemic you know? I am joking of course, but for good reason.

Here are a few quoted examples of people talking about cold hands and feet that I pulled off of a couple of MS related sites:

“One of my 1st symptoms with MS was cold feet. I felt like I was walking on bricks.”

“My feet are ice cubes! Always cold. Socks, shoes, slippers. Slippers and socks with shoes. Heating pads. Actual fire. The only time they are toasty warm is when I'm in bed at night.”

“The newest member of my symptom "family" is cold feet. They wont stop being cold.. I use heating pads on them, socks and slippers, heating blanket and the stubborn feet wont warm up. Ive noticed that the cold is spreading up my legs and stop at my knees.
Ive actually been sitting here with a portable electric heater faced right at them for almost 2 hours now and they are still ice.
Anyone else have this problem? Is this just another MS symptom to enjoy?”

My hands are my problem, when resting they are always cold, even in summer.”

“I used to get very cold feet and hands with my MS…”

“Cold hands can really ache ... so weird when the environment is not even cold, hands behaving like refrigerator units.”

“Even over this really hot summer I have found that my feet have been like ice blocks! It sometimes spreads up to my calves as well, and really hurts they are so cold.”

“My first MS attack was ice cold feet, It felt like I had my feet in a bucket of icy slush…”

“I have always had cold hand and feet. As of say last 3 yrs, cant get around as fast the hand and feet are lick ice blocks all the time. This is really hard as if your feet are so cold you find it hard to walk even if you dont have ms.”

“i have been diagnosed since 2005.... and yes i have cold hands and feet all the time...to the extreme that i sit in the hot water daily simply to warm them up...”

“I blow dry my feet after a shower, when doing my hair. It works well heating them up. Everyone in the house laughs at me, but for a short spell my feet and hands are warm.”

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Decent MS Overview

I was doing some reseach for my blog and I came across this from Med Merits (medmerits.com). 

This is a long article (actually I only took 1 of the 16 pages on this topic), but it’s pretty good.

I met (re-met) this guy the other day at my favorite tattoo shop, and we had a fantastic discussion on MS.

So here you go…

This is for you Travis…

Multiple sclerosis lesions in the brain and spinal cord damage every function of the central nervous system. Clinical symptoms vary from mild to aggressive; the course can be relapsing-remitting or progressive, and the symptoms and course evolve over time. Protean symptoms include fatigue and disturbed sensory, motor, bladder, bowel, sexual, cerebellar, brainstem, optic nerve, and cognitive realms. Symptoms, especially fatigue, limit activity in three fourths of patients.
In most patients, symptoms of an exacerbation arise over hours to days, typically last 2 to 6 weeks, and then remit, sometimes completely. Forty percent of these attacks cause long-lasting deficits, but 20% improve after attacks (Lublin et al 2003; 2008). Resolved symptoms can reappear transiently during infections or heat (“ghost symptoms,” Uhthoff phenomenon) in up to 80% of multiple sclerosis patients. Sixty percent of these symptoms are new to the patient (Guthrie and Nelson 1995).
The neuroanatomical location of plaques is not completely random. Lesions have a predilection for the periventricular white matter, so certain symptoms and signs are common. For instance, periaqueductal damage to the medial longitudinal fasciculus causes internuclear ophthalmoplegia, a frequent sign of multiple sclerosis.
Fatigue from central lesions and the role of sleep. Generalized physical and mental fatigue is the number one problem in two thirds of patients (Reder and Antel 1983; Noseworthy et al 2000). Patients describe fatigue as “profound”; it “disrupts life” and it is “different from any other experiences.” They say that because of the fatigue, “each day of the week at work is cumulatively harder.” It is “worse with heat.” The normal motor fatigue that follows muscular exertion is magnified after sustained or repetitive muscle contractions, after walking, and often develops rapidly after only minimal activity (“fatigability,” in 75%). It is distinct from weakness and may not correlate with strength of individual muscles (Schwid et al 1999). Another type of fatigue is sometimes unprovoked (“lassitude,” “asthenia,” or “overwhelming tiredness,” in 20%). Fatigue limits prolonged neuropsychological testing. Rating scales of multiple sclerosis fatigue are difficult to design and correlate poorly with function because these symptoms are multidimensional. Self-reports often do not correlate with clinical measurements of muscle and cognitive fatigue.
Fatigue is an essential dimension of the neurologic history. Fatigue can be the only symptom of an exacerbation, or one of many. It is least common in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Thirty percent of multiple sclerosis patients report fatigue before the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (Berger personal communication 2011). Fatigue does not correlate with MRI plaque load, Gd enhancement, depression, or inflammatory markers. Fatigue on the Sickness Impact Profile Sleep and Rest Scale (SIPSR) predicts later brain atrophy (Marrie et al 2005). It is associated with reduced event-related potentials, with low prefrontal activity on PET, with posterior parietal cortical atrophy on MRI, and with low N-acetylaspartate in frontal lobes and basal ganglia on magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
“Primary fatigue” in multiple sclerosis can’t be explained by other factors. Fatigue usually is worse in heat, in high humidity, and in the afternoon; body temperature is slightly higher in all these situations. This extreme sensitivity to heat is termed “Uhthoff phenomenon,” wherein a minimal elevation of body temperature interferes with impulse conduction by demyelinated axons because of their lower “safety factor.” Spasticity amplifies fatigue by creating resistance to movement, complicating routine actions. Central fatigue has been attributed to decreased Na+/K+ ATPase in multiple sclerosis plaques, disruption of the Kv1.3 potassium channel in mitochondria, serum and spinal fluid neuroelectric blocking factors, neuronal dysfunction and exhaustion, axonal injury and poor axonal conduction, impaired glial function, poor perfusion of deep gray matter area, and the need to use wide areas of the cortex. Functional MRI for physical and cognitive tasks shows compensatory (inefficient) reorganization of the damaged CNS, with increased demand on remaining neurons.
In “non-primary fatigue,” contributors to fatigue and central conduction block are acidosis; lactate; heat after exercise; the rise in body temperature in the afternoon; and a half-degree centigrade rise in body temperature during the luteal phase post-ovulation; pain; poor sleep (daytime fatigue with waking at night, “middle insomnia,” often caused by need to urinate, and also spasms, itching, and high incidence of sleep-related movement disorders); depression; low levels of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulphated conjugate (DHEAS); low levels of vitamin D; and inflammatory cytokines in the central nervous system [prostaglandins, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)]. Insula lesions in stroke cause underactivity and tiredness; the insular cortex atrophies in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. A report of a specific brain sodium channel blocker (Brinkmeier et al 2000) could not be confirmed (Cummins et al 2003). Fatigue is associated with restless leg syndrome, circadian rhythm disruption, periodic limb movements, and hypersomnolence on sleep studies. Medications, hypothyroidism, anemia, and muscle deconditioning can contribute to fatigue.
Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis are heterogeneous, often profound, and unexplained. Patients often complain of insomnia yet still have severe daytime fatigue. In small studies, CSF hypocretin (orexin) is normal in multiple sclerosis, except for scattered cases of hypothalamic plaques with hypersomnia, unlike the frequent low levels in narcolepsy. Hypothalamic plaques in corticotrophin-releasing factor pathways are common and likely to damage orexin-containing neurons. This would reduce input to the suprachiasmatic nucleus and disrupt circadian clock genes, leading to insomnia and disrupted sleep.
Shift work at a young age increases the risk of developing multiple sclerosis by 2-fold (Hedstrom et al 2011). Shift work may disrupt circadian rhythm, restrict sleep, elevate cortisol, activate viruses, and lead to proinflammatory immunity.
Cognitive function. Higher cortical functions, language skills, and intellectual function usually appear normal to casual observers. However, careful clinical observation and sensitive neuropsychological tests find slight to moderate cognitive slowing, slow information processing, word-finding difficulties, poor recent “explicit” memory, poor clock-drawing, and decline in effortful measures of attention in 50% of patients (Rao et al 1991; Beatty 1999; Arnason 2005). Warm outdoor temperatures impair cognition. Up to half of patients with clinically isolated syndromes are significantly abnormal on some tests. Complaints range from “I always forget where I put my keys” and “the lights are off in the factory” to “I am no longer able to perform cube roots in my head.” Subcortical signs often appear during complex tasks (especially with use of affected limbs), speeded responses, working memory, and when multiple visual and sensory stimuli confront the patient: “I feel like I live in an IMAX theater.” The simple question, “Do you have trouble walking through a shopping mall?" is often met with an anguished, "Yes, it’s too overwhelming.”
Patients should be screened for cognitive problems at the first exam. Patients with normal cognition tend to maintain cognitive levels, but mild cognitive deterioration predicts progressive decline in cognition over 3 years. The best measure of cognitive slowing (information processing speed, sustained and complex attention, working memory) is the symbol digit modalities test (SDMT). Mood swings, irritability, and frustration from slow cognition are common. Cognitive decline impairs employment and daily life. Patients have more difficulty walking while performing cognitive tasks. The family may notice impairment before the patient does. When disputed by the family, patient complaints of cognitive decline suggest depression. Cognitive deficits are most pronounced in secondary progressive disease, but often do not correlate with physical disability. Neuropsychological evaluation can review residual strengths and weaknesses for employment, social function, and driving ability; evaluation detects depression and leads to therapy.
Some patients have nearly normal neurologic exams yet are unable to walk from poor patterning of leg movement and gait. Electrophysiological tests confirm this apraxia and show impaired input to the motor cortex and to pathways involved in motor planning. Spinal learning may also be impaired (Arnason 2005).
Decision making is compromised from slower learning plus impaired emotional reactivity. Occasionally, patients go through a phase of wildly illogical thinking that later resolves as the disease progresses. “Low anxiety” leads to inconsistent, risky decisions in a Gambling Task and predominates in early multiple sclerosis (Kleeberg et al 2004). Impulsivity correlates with loss of anterior corpus callosum integrity in cocaine-dependent subjects and possibly also in multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis patients may have more health-adverse behaviors before diagnosis.
Patients with mild cognitive impairment have cortical thinning on MRI. Chronic cases have extensive hippocampal demyelination (Geurts et al 2007), but cognition is least affected in primary progressive multiple sclerosis. T1 brain and corpus callosum atrophy, third ventricular width, and T2 lesion load correlate modestly with poor cognition. Basal ganglia hypointensity and atrophy (brain parenchymal fraction) correlate modestly with poor memory. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, however, correlates quite well with symbol digit modality tests (r = 0.754) (Toledo et al 2008). Global N-acetyl aspartate has a moderate correlation with cognitive loss. Decreased attention correlates with lower N-acetylaspartate in the locus ceruleus in relapsing-remitting patients. Vitamin B12 and methylmalonate levels should be checked, as abnormalities can hurt cognition and cause brain atrophy.
On functional MRI (fMRI), decreased activation of the cerebellum correlates with poor motor learning. Excessive activation (poorly focused) in the supramarginal gyrus, insula, and anterior cingulum correlates with poor episodic memory (Rao personal communication 2005). Excess activation also links to less hand dexterity, suggesting greater and inefficient allocation of cognitive resources. Conventional MRI and fMRI abnormalities correlate with slow psychomotor speed and more accidents while driving. Cognitively normal multiple sclerosis patients have increased activation in the parahippocampus and anterior cingulate, suggesting functional reorganization and adaptation to brain lesions, but cognitively impaired patients have less activation in these areas (Hulst et al 2012). Positron emission tomography (PET) shows cortical hypometabolism above subcortical plaques. Cognitive impairment in rats with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis lasts long after the inflammatory lesions have resolved.
Exacerbations can reduce cognition, sometimes as the sole symptom. B Arnason argues that memory problems appear during exacerbations in early multiple sclerosis, coincident with T cell inflammation in the CNS. Later in the disease, cognition is increasingly impaired, coincident with greater monocyte and microglial activation (Arnason 2005).
Low bone density is associated with cognitive impairment (Weinstock-Guttman personal communication 2011). This may be a consequence of loss in CNS input to bone or to an underlying cytokine or vitamin D-linked abnormality.
Visual memory declines in multiple sclerosis. Visual pathways course from optic nerves, around the ventricles to the occipital cortex, and back around the ventricles to temporal memory areas. Visual pathways are interrupted by periventricular plaques and by inflammatory cytokines. IFN-beta therapy benefits visual memory (below).
Aphasia is rare in multiple sclerosis but can arise in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.
Depression. The incidence of depression is increased 2- to 3-fold in multiple sclerosis patients (>50%) and their families. Severe, short-duration multiple sclerosis is associated with more depression, but primary progression is associated with less depression [extensively reviewed in (Arnason 2005)]. Plaques and hypometabolism in the left arcuate fasciculus (supra-insular white matter) (Pujol et al 1997), right temporal (Berg et al 2000), and left temporal and inferior prefrontal areas (Feinstein et al 2004) are associated with depression. However, depression does not correlate with MRI burden of disease or atrophy, disability, or cognitive deficits.
The dexamethasone suppression test reflects neuroendocrine function in depression. It is abnormal during active multiple sclerosis (Reder et al 1987; Fassbender et al 1998), possibly from chronic inflammation, cytokine stress, and induction of CRH/AVP in hypothalamic neurons. During attacks, depression is strongly correlated with cytokine levels, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and interleukin-10 (Kahl et al 2002), possibly because IFN-gamma increases serotonin transporter and indoleamine dioxygenase levels, lowering serotonin.
Therapy with IFN-beta can occasionally trigger depression. Interferon elevates indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase, which lowers levels of tryptophan and serotonin. IFN-beta therapy as well as antidepressants could elevate brain serotonin by decreasing IFN-gamma levels. Both agents induce brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Surprisingly, patients taking anti-depressants have lower BDNF levels in circulating immune cells (Hamamcioglu and Reder 2007), possibly because depressed multiple sclerosis patients have low BDNF levels before antidepressant therapy.
Suicide is elevated 7-fold in multiple sclerosis. Suicidal patients are more likely to have a family history of mental illness, to abuse alcohol, to be under social stress or be depressed, and to live alone. Confused thoughts and occasionally psychosis can be seen with multiple sclerosis exacerbations.
Pseudobulbar affect (pathological laughing and crying, involuntary emotional expression disorder) can be disabling. Disinhibition is from multiple supratentorial plaques and is occasionally associated with hiccups and paroxysmal dystonia. Euphoria, despite concurrent neurologic problems, was described by Charcot. It is possible the euphoria is cytokine-mediated, akin to “spes phthisica”—a feeling of hopefulness for recovery seen in patients with tuberculosis.
Optic neuritis. The optic nerves are frequently involved (approximately 2/3 clinically), especially in younger patients. Thirty-one percent of army recruits with multiple sclerosis have optic signs. “Asymptomatic” patients, free of optic neuritis, frequently have abnormal visual evoked potentials or perimetry.
Optic neuritis typically begins with subacute loss of vision in 1 eye. The central scotoma is described as blurring or a dark patch. Color perception and contrast sensitivity are disturbed. Subjective reduction of light intensity is often associated with an ipsilateral Marcus Gunn hypoactive pupillary response. Ninety-two percent have retro-orbital pain with eye movement.
With acute lesions, there may be blurring of the disc margin or florid papillitis. With papillitis (in 5%), inflammation near the nerve head causes disc swelling, cells in the vitreous, and deep retinal exudates. With retrobulbar inflammation, the fundus is initially normal. After the neuritis resolves, the disc is usually pale ("optic pallor"), commonly in its temporal aspect. Using an ophthalmoscope, slit-like defects in the peripapillary nerve fiber layer appear with red-free (green) light. This axonal damage in the retina, an area free of central nervous system myelin, suggests that optic nerve pathology extends beyond central nervous system plaques. Retinal nerve fiber layer atrophy and thinning is obvious on optical coherence tomography (OCT). The fellow eye is often abnormal on OCT, though not as severe.
Bilateral simultaneous optic neuritis led to multiple sclerosis in 1 of 11 adults after an interval of up to 30 years. Sequential optic neuritis led to multiple sclerosis in 8 of 20 (Parkin et al 1984). In children, 1 of 17 developed multiple sclerosis after bilateral onset.
Visual function usually begins to improve several weeks after the onset of optic neuritis, and resolution continues over several months. Complete recovery of visual acuity is the rule, even after near blindness. Other disturbances of vision, however, often persist, such as visual "blurring" and red or blue desaturation that causes colors to appear drab (“not as vivid”). There is progressive loss of color discrimination with longer duration multiple sclerosis. Bright lights cause a prolonged afterimage, a "flight of colors." Depth perception is impaired and is worse with moving objects (“Pulfrich phenomenon”). Eye movements sometimes cause fleeting flashes of light (“movement phosphenes”). The mechanism corresponds to the fleeting cervical sensory changes of Lhermitte sign (Lhermitte of the eye). Increased body temperature can amplify all of these symptoms and diminish visual acuity (“Uhthoff phenomenon”).
Uveitis and pars planitis (peripheral uveitis) are present in 1% of multiple sclerosis patients. Conversely, 20% of patients with pars planitis develop multiple sclerosis or optic neuritis. Some of these patients will develop macular edema, vitreous opacities, papillitis, vasculitis and vitreous hemorrhage, and cataracts. Perivenous sheathing is an inflammatory change of the retinal veins seen in one fourth of multiple sclerosis patients. Occipital cortex lesions can distort vision, eg, visual inversion.
Brainstem abnormalities, including diplopia. Lesions in the brainstem disrupt intra-axial nerves, nerve nuclei, and internuclear connections, plus autonomic, motor, and sensory long tracts. Proton density MRI is best for imaging brainstem abnormalities, including plaques in the median longitudinal fasciculus.
Smell is reduced in 40% of multiple sclerosis patients (Dahlslett et al 2012), and loss correlates with more MRI plaques. Taste is reduced in 20%, sometimes from lesions in the medial ventralis posterior thalamic nucleus.
Clinically, the third nerve is the most frequent target for brainstem lesions. Cerebellar and brainstem lesions disrupt eye movements, usually coinciding with more severe disability.
Third, sixth, and rarely fourth nerve lesions cause diplopia.
Medial rectus weakness is usually part of an “internuclear ophthalmoplegia” (INO). In a young patient, INO is nearly pathognomonic of multiple sclerosis. Infarcts, trauma, and disparate other causes are possible, especially in older patients (Keane 2005). Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is paresis or weakness of adduction ipsilateral to a medial longitudinal fasciculus lesion, along with dissociated nystagmus of the abducting eye. Lesions, usually in the pons or midbrain, cause internuclear ophthalmoplegia when they interrupt connections between the pontine paramedian reticular formation that innervates the ipsilateral abducens nucleus and the contralateral third nerve nucleus. This illustrates an important principle: plaques predominate in periventricular regions and cause characteristic signs.
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is subclinical or “latent” in 80% of patients (in this case, it would be termed “internuclear ophthalmoparesis”). Rapid eye movements can bring out this hidden, minimal oculomotor weakness, causing slowing of the early adducting saccades—an adduction lag. A medium rate of finger motion will detect loss of smooth pursuit and demonstrate ataxic eye movements from cerebellar lesions. Convergence may be normal despite an affected medial rectus. Medial longitudinal fasciculus lesions are seen best with proton density MRI but are even more apparent with the clinical exam. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia is often worse with heat and better with cooling (Frohman et al 2008).
Nystagmus is common in multiple sclerosis. It is usually inconsequential, but nystagmus and oscillopsia can be severe enough to prevent reading or driving a car.
There are reports of high T2 signal MRI lesions in peripheral fifth (in 2% of patients, with two thirds bilateral), seventh, sixth, third, and eighth nerves. Seventh nerve lesions mimic Bell palsy. Because the lesions are intra-axial, the sixth nerve is often simultaneously disturbed. Facial myokymia is from pontine tegmentum lesions of the facial nerve and can be revered with carbamazepine and possibly botulinum toxin. Taste is lost or altered (dysgeusia) with brainstem stacks and recovers within 3 months.
Hearing loss is relatively rare, but auditory processing could be slowed by brainstem and deep white matter lesions. Central hearing defects with abnormal brainstem auditory evoked potentials could also help differentiate multiple sclerosis from benign positional vertigo, which has no central defect. Vertigo is common and sometimes so incapacitating that patients are bed-bound. Isolated autoimmune disease of the auditory nerve can also cause hearing loss and vertigo. The relation to multiple sclerosis is unclear.
Up to one fourth of patients have problems swallowing. Horner syndrome is occasionally present.
Transverse myelitis. The cord symptoms in idiopathic transverse myelitis are generally more severe than in multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, a complete transverse lesion is less common than a partial cord lesion (ie, a Brown-Séquard syndrome). Progressive myelopathy can arise from solitary lesions of the cervicomedullary junction, often associated with positive CSF oligoclonal bands.
Cerebellar dysfunction and tremor. The cerebellum or its pathways are damaged in 50% of patients. "Charcot’s triad" of cerebellar signs is nystagmus, intention tremor, and “scanning” speech (in the sense of examining words carefully, “scandés” from Charcot). In 3% of patients, intention tremor of the limbs, ataxia, head or trunk titubation, and dysarthria can be totally disabling. Dentate lesions correlate with poor ambulation. Surprisingly, patients with severe ataxia are often strong and thin and would otherwise be fully functional. The Stewart-Holmes rebound maneuver to detect cerebellar dyssynergia does not correlate well with kinetic tremor (flex or extend at elbow) and intention tremor (finger-to-nose). This suggests damage to different anatomic pathways (Waubant et al 2003). Poor cerebellar function correlates with loss of cerebellar MRI volume. Severe cerebellar signs correlate with poor pulmonary function.
Dystonia and parkinsonian symptoms are occasionally caused by a multiple sclerosis plaque.
Weakness. The long course of axons traveling through the cord from the motor cortex to lumbar motor neurons increases the likelihood that a random plaque will interrupt motor neuron conduction. Legs are usually affected more than arms, causing foot-drop, tripping, or poor stair climbing. The hip flexors are often weak, out of proportion to other leg muscles, likely from multiple cervical cord lesions (D Garwacki). Patients can walk backwards more easily than they walk forward because gluteal muscles are stronger than the iliopsoas. Hyperreflexia, spasticity, and a Babinski sign are common. Rarely, plaques interrupt intra-axial nerve roots, and the deep tendon reflexes disappear and muscles atrophy. Radicular symptoms arising from a posterior cord lesion are often painful, but anterior plaques are not. Some muscle weakness and fatigue can be explained by a shift in myosin heavy chain isoforms and less contractile force, a result of muscle inactivity and deconditioning (Garner and Widrick 2003). Walking ability can be measured with a timed 25-foot walk or with the 6 spot step test, which incorporates coordination and balance.
Falls and fractures are increased in multiple sclerosis. Osteoporotic fractures double, a consequence of weakness (Bazelier et al 2012). Osteoporosis is from low vitamin D levels, less weight-bearing exercise, and perhaps some medications, as discussed below in “Environmental Influences.”
Spasticity. Spasticity increases with a full bladder or bowels, pain, exposure to cold, and sometimes on the day after IFN-beta injections (an effect of cytokines or direct modification of neuronal excitability). On arising, the first few steps are difficult from transient stiffness after physical inactivity. Similarly, internuclear ophthalmoplegia is most obvious with the first eye movements of the exam. Painful tonic spasms are common in patients with severe spasticity and can be provoked by exertion or hyperventilation. Extrapyramidal symptoms disappear when the causative plaque resolves (Maimone et al 1991b).
Bladder and sexual dysfunction. Bladder dysfunction is common and markedly reduces quality of life. It is the initial symptom in 5% of patients and eventually develops in 90%. Two thirds of patients have bladder hyperreflexia with urgency and frequency. This is complicated by sphincter dyssynergia in half of the patients (Schoenberg 1983; Andrews and Husmann 1997; Betts 1999). Some of these patients are initially areflexic. The other third of symptomatic patients have hyporeflexic bladders. Patients’ description of residual volume is often unreliable, so volume should be measured with office sonography or catheterization. Detrusor hyporeflexia is linked to pontine lesions; detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia is linked to cervical spinal cord lesions. Both are more common in Japanese populations than in Western populations.
Glomerular filtration rate is reduced by 20% (Calabresi et al 2002). This could be from chronic neurogenic bladder, urinary tract infections, antibiotics, ionic contrast agents, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use, and chronic dehydration.
Seventy percent of patients complain of sexual problems—orgasmic difficulty, poor erections or lubrication, low pleasure, low libido, poor movement, and genital numbness. Impotence develops in 40% to 70% of male patients. Fifty percent of women with multiple sclerosis have significant sexual problems and complain of loss of libido, orgasms, and genital sensation. Orgasmic dysfunction correlates with loss of clitoral vibratory sensation and cerebellar deficits (Gruenwald et al 2007). Difficult or no orgasm was associated with abnormal or absent (26/28) pudendal somatosensory evoked potential, although desire was normal (Yang et al 2000). Occasionally, women have felt diffuse orgasmic spasms, not in skeletal muscle, that last for up to 5 minutes. Others mention increased vaginal sensation and orgasmic intensity.
Sexual problems often follow or coincide with bladder dysfunction. Both are associated with loss of sweating below the waist from lesions of the sympathetic pathway and also with disruption of genital somatosensory pathways. MRI T1 lesions in the pons correlate with sexual dysfunction, far better than other MRI measures, urodynamics, or pudendal and tibial evoked potentials. Other literature varies on the anatomical links to plaque location.
Constipation. Constipation is experienced by 50% of clinic patients and is more prevalent in progressive than in relapsing forms. Poor voluntary squeeze pressure on manometric testing, combined with little sensation of “fullness” is typical. Insensitivity to rectal filling causes incontinence. This is uncommon but not rare and is usually associated with constipation. Gastroparesis has occurred with acute medullary lesions. Disruption of autonomic pathways in the medulla and cord may underlie the constipation. Gut neurons have not been studied as direct targets of the immune system in multiple sclerosis, but the readily accessible enteric nervous system has been analyzed in Parkinson disease and diabetes. Enteric glia have more antigenic resemblance to central nervous system glia than to peripheral nervous system glia (Gershon et al 1994).
Autonomic problems. The hypothalamus controls autonomic functions, temperature, sleep, and sexual activity. Cortical, brainstem, and spinal cord plaques often interrupt the sympathetic nervous system. This causes slow colonic transit, bladder hyperreflexia, and sexual dysfunction. Less-recognized phenomena from sympathetic nervous system disruption are vasomotor dysregulation (cold, purple feet), cardiovascular changes (orthostatic changes in blood pressure, blood pressure response to straining, and poor variation of the EKG R-R interval on Valsalva maneuver, possibly increasing risk of surgery), poor pilocarpine-induced sweating, poor sympathetic skin responses—especially in progressive multiple sclerosis (Karaszewski et al 1990; Acevedo et al 2000), pupillary abnormalities, and possibly fatigue. Rarely, plaques in brainstem autonomic pathways cause atrial fibrillation or neurogenic pulmonary edema, sometimes preceded by multiple sclerosis lesion-induced cardiomyopathy. Cold hands and feet often precede the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, raising the possibility that undetected spinal cord lesions have already affected the autonomic nervous system.
Sixty percent of patients have pupillary reactions that are abnormal in rate and degree of constriction (de Seze et al 2001). Pupillary defects do not correlate with visual-evoked potentials or history of optic neuritis.
Autonomic dysfunction does correlate with axonal loss and spinal cord atrophy, yet not with cord MRI lesions. It is possible that plaques in the insular cortex, hypothalamus, and cord all disrupt sympathetic pathways. Parasympathetic and sympathetic dysfunction correlates with duration of multiple sclerosis, but not with disability (Gunal et al 2002). Parasympathetic dysfunction (eg, heart rate variation with respiration, abnormal pupillary reactions) is most pronounced in primary progressive disease. Sympathetic dysfunction can worsen during exacerbations. It is tied to dysregulated immunity (Flachenecker et al 2001); worse autoimmune disease in animal models and worse multiple sclerosis (Karaszewski et al 1991); less response to the beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol (Giorelli et al 2004); and conversion to progressive multiple sclerosis.
Periodic hyperthermia and profound hypothermia (to 28°C/79°F, author’s observation) are occasionally seen and can worsen during an attack. Cognition is surprisingly preserved with hypothermia. Abnormal temperature regulation is presumably from hypothalamic or thalamic plaques. Hypothermic patients are at high risk for infection because immunity is compromised at low temperature. Worsening hypothermia also can forecast an infection. Interferon-beta elicits fever by direct effects on thermosensitive neurons in the preoptic/anterior hypothalamus, without elevation of other pyrogenic cytokines.
Sensory symptoms. Sensory symptoms are common in multiple sclerosis. Sensations are characteristically hard to describe because they are spontaneous or distorted perceptions of everyday stimuli caused by areas of demyelination and ephaptic connections unique to each patient. Sensory loss ranges from decreased olfaction to marked loss of pain perception in small spots or over the entire body. Poor perception of vibration in the feet, but spared position sense, is present in more than 90% of multiple sclerosis patients. Vibratory loss can be quantified with a tuning fork and sometimes improves with drug therapy. Sensory paths are unable to transmit impulses from the rapidly oscillating tuning fork, from a combination of demyelination and cytokines that interfere with axonal conduction (Smith et al 2001).
Positive sensory symptoms are common. They are described as tingling, numbness, a tight band (usually at T6-T10, the “multiple sclerosis hug”), pins and needles, a dead feeling, “ice” inside the leg, standing on broken glass, and something “not right.” Paresthesias typically begin in a band (a “multiple sclerosis hug”) around the trunk at T6-T9 (often from a cervical plaque). They sometimes start in a hand or foot and progress over several days to involve the entire limb. The sensations then resolve over several weeks.
Lhermitte sign. In 1924, Lhermitte described an electric discharge following flexion of the neck in multiple sclerosis. Forty percent of multiple sclerosis patients have Lhermitte sign (symptom, phenomenon), and 95% of them have cervical cord MRI lesions. This rapid, brief "electric shock" or "vibration" runs from the neck down the spine and is similar to ulnar nerve trauma triggering the “funny bone.” The intensity of the pain is directly related to the amplitude and rapidity of neck flexion. In an instinctive protective reflex, the patient may straighten her neck. This sign is from mechanical stimulation of irritable demyelinated axons. Cord compression can also generate the sign.
Pain. Up to two thirds of patients with multiple sclerosis have pain at some time during the course of their disease (Clifford and Trotter 1984; Moulin et al 1988; Stenager et al 1991), although pain was regarded as rare in much of the older literature. The pain is chronic most of the time; acute or intermittent pain also occurs. Legs are affected in 90%, and arms in 31%. Pain is more common in older women with spasticity or myelopathy, and in multiple sclerosis of long duration (Moulin et al 1988; Stenager et al 1991). It is often worse at night and when the ambient temperature changes suddenly.
The spectrum of pain includes central neuropathic pain from focal demyelination (eg, trigeminal neuralgia, dysesthesias, and nonspecific pain), pain, and dysesthesias from ephaptic transmission (Lhermitte symptom, radicular pain, tonic seizures), inflammation or swelling (optic neuritis, headaches), visceral pain from chronic constipation or painful bladder spasms, abnormal motor activity (tonic seizures, spasms, clonus), or simple orthopedic musculoskeletal pain. Lesions in pain inhibitory pathways, abnormal sodium channel redistribution, or maladaptive neural plasticity during plaque repair may cause the central pain. Chronic back pain can arise as a consequence of multiple sclerosis, causing unilateral weakness or spasticity, and in turn, poor posture and accelerated degenerative disc disease.
Pain is common in optic neuritis. A swollen, inflamed optic nerve puts pressure on the dural sheath. Pain in or behind the eye sometimes precedes the visual loss. The pain in optic neuritis can be present at rest, on voluntary eye movement, and with pressure on the globe. Vasoactive amines, prostaglandins, and kinins released by inflammatory cells may magnify the pain in optic neuritis and in trigeminal neuralgia.
Trigeminal neuralgia. Trigeminal neuralgia is relatively rare in multiple sclerosis (occurring in 0.5% to 1% of patients) (Rushton and Olafson 1965). Bilateral trigeminal neuralgia has been described as pathognomonic of multiple sclerosis (Jensen et al 1982). However, it can be caused by arteries compressing the trigeminal nerve at the junction of the central and peripheral nervous system (root entry zone) (Meaney et al 1995). Vascular compression causes demyelination and remyelination, sometimes aberrant, allowing ephaptic conduction between active and silent nerve fibers, and between light touch and pain fibers (Love and Coakham 2001).
The trigeminal neuralgia of multiple sclerosis is from a plaque in the fifth nerve nucleus (Olafson et al 1966) or the brainstem entry zone of nerve fibers (Gass et al 1997). After facial nerve injury, IFN-gamma increases, but pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) recruits anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective Th2 cells. Radicular pains in multiple sclerosis, especially if lancinating, may have a similar mechanism. The cisternal (peripheral) fifth nerve enhances on MRI in 3% of patients, but this is usually clinically silent.
Brainstem plaques can cause glossopharyngeal neuralgia.
Headaches. Headaches are more common in multiple sclerosis (27%) than in matched controls (12%) (Watkins and Espir 1969). They can herald exacerbations. Headaches may reflect cortical inflammation near the meninges.
Seizures and paroxysmal symptoms. Epileptic seizures double in incidence in multiple sclerosis and are more common in later stages. They may arise from new or enhancing lesions in the cortex or subcortical areas. They can be triggered by 4-amino pyridine therapy or rapid reductions in baclofen.
Paroxysmal symptoms last seconds to minutes. Paroxysms include visual complaints, diplopia, vertigo, dysarthria, facial and limb myokymia, tonic motor seizures, spasms, dystonia, restless legs, akinesia, kinesigenic choreoathetosis, hyperekplexia, rapid eye movement sleep disorders, ataxia, itching, and pain and paresthesias (eg, trigeminal neuralgia, Lhermitte sign). Severe restless legs syndrome is increased nearly 4-fold in multiple sclerosis. They are triggered by hyperventilation (eg, 20 deep breaths), stress, cold, touch, metabolic abnormalities, exercise, or acute exacerbations. Transverse spread between demyelinated axons (ephaptic transmission) is a likely cause. It is probably amplified by cytokines, extracellular potassium, dysfunction of ion channels, and heterogeneity of new sodium channels.
Associated diseases. In multiple sclerosis, there are links between inflammatory bowel disease and thyroiditis, and bone mass is low. Other autoimmune diseases are not associated with multiple sclerosis—and may be less prevalent than in the general population. Many reported associations are likely from the strong autoimmune proclivity in Devic disease or CNS Sjögren disease, variants that comprise 5% of “multiple sclerosis” patients in some series. Cancer and allergy incidence is likely reduced, perhaps from an overactive, Th1-biased immune system.
Natural history. The course of multiple sclerosis varies. Heterogeneity over time complicates the use of stage-specific therapies. Classification is important because no therapies are effective in the primary progressive forms.
At onset, at an average of 28 years old, multiple sclerosis is relapsing-remitting in 85% of patients. This form predominates in young women. Attacks typically occur every 2 years. The mortality rate in multiple sclerosis is 3-fold higher than in age-matched controls. Survival is decreased by 8 to 10 years, but can be prolonged by IFN-beta-1b therapy (Goodin et al 2012b).
Fifty percent of relapsing-remitting patients become “secondary progressive” after 10 years, and 89% by 26 years. The number of neurologic systems affected in the initial attack, and not recovery from the attacks, predicts the chance of developing progressive disease. Older age of onset of the first attack leads to an earlier onset of secondary progression by the age of 40 or 50 (Scalfari et al 2011). Once progression appears, the rate of decline is constant.
About 10% to 15% are progressive from onset, at an average of 38 years old, with continuing deterioration for a year or more, without obvious exacerbations or remissions, although the rate of decline fluctuates. Compared to a 10- to 19-year-old patient, the relative risk of primary progression is 2.3 at age 25, 8.1 at 35, 19 at 45, and 47-fold higher at age 50 to 59 years (Stankoff et al 2007). These categories are not immutable; patients frequently drift from one type of multiple sclerosis to another, become stable, or suddenly develop active disease (Goodkin et al 1989). Primary progression is considered a unique form of multiple sclerosis, but 28% of these patients will eventually have exacerbations (Kremenchutzky et al 1999), sometimes after 20 years of pure progression.
The progressive form affects the spinal cord predominantly (in 90%), begins at a later age than the relapsing form, and is approximately as common in men as in women. These patients have progressive paraparesis and loss of vibration and pinprick sensation in the legs, and typically develop a small, spastic neurogenic bladder. Cerebral MRI lesions are 6 times less frequent in primary progressive, compared to relapsing-remitting, patients who become progressive later on (Thompson et al 1991). However, in white matter that appears normal on conventional MRI, the magnetization transfer ratio and N-acetyl aspartate levels are low, reflecting widespread neuronal loss or dysfunction (Filippi et al 1999). Relapses in the first 2 years predict earlier onset of progression. However, relapses after the first 2 years predict a lower chance of becoming progressive (Scalfari et al 2010), suggesting that evolution of immune dysregulation modifies the course of multiple sclerosis. Progression has features of an age-dependent degenerative process (Kremenchutzky et al 2006). Age at onset of multiple sclerosis is younger than 30 years for secondary progressive disease, but 39 years for primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Age at beginning of progression is 39 in both groups.
Exacerbations contribute to disability, by an average of 0.2 to 0.6 EDSS points at more than 30 days after the exacerbation. Forty-two percent to 49% have residual loss of 0.5 EDSS points at 2 to 4 months, and 28% to 33% have a loss of 1 or more EDSS point (Lublin et al 2003; Hirst et al 2008). However, some improve: 19% have a 0.5 point decrease and 10% have a 1 point decrease (Lublin et al 2003). In 700 placebo-treated patients from 11 clinical trials, worsening after exacerbations was nearly equivalent to improvement (Ebers et al 2008). The authors conclude that disability could not be used as an outcome measure in most (short-term) clinical trials.
Occasionally, patients have acute fulminant multiple sclerosis (Marburg variant). This malignant form of multiple sclerosis is possibly associated with developmentally immature myelin basic protein (Wood et al 1996).
Twenty percent of patients have “benign multiple sclerosis,” defined as a Kurtzke disability score of 3/10 or lower. After 20 years, 6% of the overall population is still benign—largely comprised of those who scored 2 or lower at 10 years (Hawkins and McDonnell 1999). Some patients with benign multiple sclerosis have surprisingly large lesion loads on MRI (Strasser-Fuchs et al 2008). Clinical/MRI dissociation is also seen in correlating MRI with clinical activity (r is only 0.25). Auspicious predictors include young onset, monosymptomatic, few attacks, no cord symptoms, and few MRI lesions, including few cortical lesions. Cognitive function, fatigue, and pain should be included in assessment of a propitious course as 50% of patients with “benign” multiple sclerosis based on motor disability have cognitive decline. Autopsy studies indicate that there is a large reservoir of undetected and, therefore, benign multiple sclerosis (Reder and Arnason 1985) (below, next).
Unsuspected and asymptomatic cases. Multiple sclerosis is sometimes unsuspected during life, yet found at autopsy. Twelve unsuspected cases of multiple sclerosis were found in 15,644 autopsies in Switzerland. Only 2 had no reported neurologic signs during life (Georgi 1961). There were 5 diagnosed cases of multiple sclerosis in 2450 autopsies in London and Ontario (Gilbert and Sadler 1983). In autopsy studies, the calculated prevalence of unsuspected multiple sclerosis would be about 31 in 100,000 in Paris (3 in 9300) (Castaigne et al 1981); 90 to 128 in 100,000 in Switzerland (Georgi 1961); and 204 in 100,000 in Ontario (Gilbert and Sadler 1983). This suggests that the number of undiagnosed "normal" people with multiple sclerosis approximates the number of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Of asymptomatic “normal” first degree relatives, 4% to 10% have MRI lesions indistinguishable from multiple sclerosis (De Stefano et al 2006). This suggests that “benign” multiple sclerosis is itself a spectrum, and sometimes should not be treated with immunomodulators.
Clinically isolated syndromes. “Clinically isolated syndromes” include optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, and solitary brainstem lesions. They evolve into multiple sclerosis most often when the MRI T2 lesion load is high and when the CSF reflects inflammation. When clinically isolated symptoms appear in parallel with non-enhancing MRI lesions plus at least 1 enhancing lesion, 70% to 80% of patients will have another gadolinium-positive lesion within 6 months. A positive spinal tap further increases the chance that multiple sclerosis will develop. Partial cervical myelopathy, without brain MRI lesions, often evolves into clinically definite multiple sclerosis if evoked potentials and CSF are abnormal (Bashir and Whitaker 2000).
Childhood and pediatric multiple sclerosis. An attack before the age of 16 happens in 3% to 5% of all multiple sclerosis patients, and in 1% with onset before age 10. The diagnosis is difficult because of the rarity of multiple sclerosis in children and clinical overlap with childhood infections and other diseases. A family history (8%) is more common than in adult forms. Recent data show the incidence of multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, transverse myelitis, and ADEM is 1.63/100,000 and is higher in blacks than in Asians, Hispanics, and whites in Southern California (Langer-Gould et al 2011).
Sensory symptoms and optic neuritis are common (approximately 50%, even though these symptoms may sometimes not be reported by children). Brainstem and cerebellar symptoms, polysymptomatic disease, and seizures are more frequent than in adult onset multiple sclerosis, but recovery from exacerbations is better (Duquette et al 1987; Selcen et al 1996; Ghezzi et al 1999; Ruggieri et al 1999). One third of patients have cognitive problems. As in adult forms, sphincter involvement and a (rare) progressive course have a poor prognosis. Boys predominate over girls between 8 and 10 years of age, but the girl-to-boy ratio is 2:1 after 10 years. Relapses are a bit more frequent in childhood (every 1.6 years versus every 2 years in adults) but are only 4 weeks long versus 7 weeks in adults (Ness et al 2007). The course is slower than in adult-onset multiple sclerosis (Simone et al 2002), and the median time from onset to secondary progression is 28 years. Nonetheless, with continuous exacerbations they become disabled at a younger age than adult-onset patients. Primary progression is exceptionally rare (2% of an already uncommon event).
MRI, EEG, and visual-evoked potentials are each abnormal in 80% of patients (Duquette et al 1987; Banwell 2004). Cortical lesions are less common than in adults. However, intracranial volume and head size is reduced. CSF is abnormal in 66% of patients (CSF IgG levels are lower in children, so this is probably an underestimate.) Bands are positive in only 29% of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, but in 64% of acute multiple sclerosis, and in 82% of multiple sclerosis at later times in a medium-sized series (Dale et al 2000). In first demyelination in children, CSF contains molecules that localize to the node of Ranvier, but not myelin membrane proteins (Dhaunchak et al 2012). The prolonged relapsing-remitting course suggests therapies may be more effective in children than in adults. [Neurology 2007;68(16, Suppl 2) is devoted to pediatric multiple sclerosis.]
Geographic variation. The incidence and symptoms of multiple sclerosis are different around the globe. It is uncommon at the equator (prevalence 2 to 10 per 100,000), and increases with distance from the equator (up to 200 per 100,000 at latitudinal extremes). This suggests environmental factors influence the incidence. However, emigrating northern Europeans did tend to stay in temperate climates, suggesting genetic influence. Multiple sclerosis is rare in Asia (4 per 100,000) (Kurtzke 1975). Multiple sclerosis in Japan, China, Malaysia, in black Africans, and in some groups of Canadian Aboriginals often resembles Devic disease because it typically affects the optic nerves and spinal cord and occurs at an earlier age than the Western form of multiple sclerosis (Cosnett 1981; Phadke 1990).
Quality of Life (QOL) and clinical scales. Responses by 433 patients were used to generate the 59-question Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis quality of life scale (Cella et al 1996; 2012). A factor analysis demonstrated that multiple sclerosis had independent effects on several important factors that impact patients’ lives.
Separate axes with little overlap included the following:
  1. Mobility. This correlated highly with the neurologic exam (Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Score, Scripps Numerical Rating Scale, and Ambulation Index) but not with the other subscales.
  2. “Emotional well-being” and “general contentment,” which negatively correlated with psychiatric measures of anxiety and depression.
  3. “Symptoms.”
  4. Family and social well-being.
  5. “Fatigue” plus “thinking,” an indicator of cognitive function. Fatigue is highly prevalent; cognitive loss has the most important impact on quality of life.
Neurologic and social function, fatigue, mood, and cognition are important components of clinical multiple sclerosis that are often more disabling than inability to walk. Because these factors do not correlate, different pathogenic mechanisms are likely. For example, difficulty walking could arise from damage to long tracts or oligodendroglia, and fatigue may be caused by inflammatory cytokines in the CNS. Different pathological causes may also vary in responses to drugs; they should all be evaluated in therapeutic trials.
Patient-rated scales provide important information about independent factors that are missed when exams are limited to assessment of mobility. Telephone and self-administered scales correlate well (r=0.9) with physician exams.
The Kurtzke Extended Disability Status Score (EDSS) is a central clinical measure in most trials. It is based on the neurologic exam and ranges from 0 to 10, where 0 = normal, 4 = walks unaided for greater than 500 meters, 5 = walks unaided for greater than 100 meters, 6 = needs a cane to walk 100 meters, 7 = walks less than 5 meters with aid, 8 = perambulated in wheelchair, and 10 = death. Cognitive problems, fatigue, sexual function, job capabilities, and social factors do not weigh heavily in this scale. This scale is not linear; transition between stages 4 and 6 is fastest.
The Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite Scale (MSFC) evaluates motor function of legs and arms and cognition. It adds information to the Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Score and was used in a phase 3 clinical trial of intramuscular IFN-beta-1a (Cohen et al 2001). Correlation between the Kurtzke scale and the Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite scale is only r = -0.15.
The global Multiple Sclerosis Severity Scale (MSSS) combines disease duration with the Kurtzke score to combine rate and severity (Roxburgh et al 2005). Many of the patients who defined the MSSS were on therapy, so untreated progression rates are probably even higher than the table indicates.

(Taken from: http://www.medmerits.com/index.php/article/multiple_sclerosis/P2)