Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What Are Socks For Anyway?

Cold hands and feet suck, and there is nothing that I or anyone else can do about the issue. And when I say cold…

I mean cold…

Like you went out and played in the snow without any gloves and/or socks and shoes on.

Like you fell in an icy lake naked.

I wear socks everyday all year long, but they don’t help one bit, but wearing socks also keeps my feet from getting that much colder; which is hard to explain, but there is a difference (not much of one…maybe it’s a placebo effect).

I use a heating pad on my feet, which seems to work. The problem is that it takes a long time before I can start to feel the heat. And it only works as long as there is direct contact. As soon as that heat contact is gone…my feet are freezing again.

My hands are the same way…

Can you imagine typing when your hands are so cold that they barely function?

Not only do I have extremely cold hands…I also have issues with fine motor skills, which makes it hard to use a computer anyways, but we won’t talk about that now because this article is about the MS version of “Frozen”, but with more singing.

Gloves don’t really work either, and are…well…socks for your hands. They don’t warm up my hands, but they keep the cold from getting worse. Plus, there is no way to type with gloves on, and so I cut the fingers off.

Bravo…a weak ass solution that helps a little bit.

Lucky for me, my cold hands and feet started to come and go as they please. It is there most of the time, but I am fortunate enough to get some warmer breaks. Where it used to be constant without any relief…happy days.

A photo of my hand...

Did you know?

A lot of doctors dismiss cold hands and feet as being MS related…


There is me. My neighbor across the street that has MS, but her hands and feet haven’t warmed up in years. Some of the other MS folks that I have talked to. Thousands of examples online.

But doctors still don’t know if cold extremities are related to MS.

Maybe it’s not.

Maybe thousands of unlucky MS patients also contracted the deadly “Frozus Feetsus and Handsus Disease” while back backing through the Alps. It is a pandemic you know? I am joking of course, but for good reason.

Here are a few quoted examples of people talking about cold hands and feet that I pulled off of a couple of MS related sites:

“One of my 1st symptoms with MS was cold feet. I felt like I was walking on bricks.”

“My feet are ice cubes! Always cold. Socks, shoes, slippers. Slippers and socks with shoes. Heating pads. Actual fire. The only time they are toasty warm is when I'm in bed at night.”

“The newest member of my symptom "family" is cold feet. They wont stop being cold.. I use heating pads on them, socks and slippers, heating blanket and the stubborn feet wont warm up. Ive noticed that the cold is spreading up my legs and stop at my knees.
Ive actually been sitting here with a portable electric heater faced right at them for almost 2 hours now and they are still ice.
Anyone else have this problem? Is this just another MS symptom to enjoy?”

My hands are my problem, when resting they are always cold, even in summer.”

“I used to get very cold feet and hands with my MS…”

“Cold hands can really ache ... so weird when the environment is not even cold, hands behaving like refrigerator units.”

“Even over this really hot summer I have found that my feet have been like ice blocks! It sometimes spreads up to my calves as well, and really hurts they are so cold.”

“My first MS attack was ice cold feet, It felt like I had my feet in a bucket of icy slush…”

“I have always had cold hand and feet. As of say last 3 yrs, cant get around as fast the hand and feet are lick ice blocks all the time. This is really hard as if your feet are so cold you find it hard to walk even if you dont have ms.”

“i have been diagnosed since 2005.... and yes i have cold hands and feet all the the extreme that i sit in the hot water daily simply to warm them up...”

“I blow dry my feet after a shower, when doing my hair. It works well heating them up. Everyone in the house laughs at me, but for a short spell my feet and hands are warm.”

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