It is simple…
MS and I are not friends.
Yes...we hang out and do everything together, but that’s not
by choice. The damn thing is stalking me, and if I could get away then I would.
I don’t like MS and wish that it would stop liking me.
Of course I don’t blame it because I’m such a great person,
and so why wouldn’t it want to be around me?
But enough with the hugs!!!!
They don’t feel good…at all.
So what is an MS Hug?
According to WebMD:
Sclerosis: MS Hug Pain
Like most symptoms of MS, the feeling is different
for each person. You might have pain under your rib cage or anywhere between
your neck and waistline. It can be dull and achy, sharp, or burning. It can
last a few seconds to a few hours, and in rare cases, a few days.
Some people describe a slight tingling or tickling
vibration, while others say it’s a crippling pressure below their ribs that can
make it hurt to breathe. People often say it’s like wearing a girdle around the
middle of your body. For that reason, you may also hear it called the “MS
girdle” or “girdle-band” sensation.
What’s Really Going On?
In between
each of your ribs are small muscles that hold your rib cage together and help
it expand when you move, bend, or breathe. If these muscles have spasms, you
feel painful, tightening pressure.
If you think
you’re having an MS hug, talk to your neurologist or main doctor right away.
The symptoms can seem like those of a heart attack, so it’s important to make
sure that’s not the case and to rule out any other causes of the pressure.
The first time that I felt it…
It scared me…badly…
I didn’t know if I was having a heart attack or a panic
attack. All I knew was that I wasn’t right in the least bit.
Now I know what it is, but it still scares me a lot.
What does it feel like?
For me…
My heart starts beating really fast, like it’s going to
explode or pop out of my chest. My chest gets really tight. My breathing is
weird. I panic. It doesn’t hurt all that much, but it is uncomfortable and very
It is what I assume a panic attack would feel like.
It goes away after a little bit, and there is nothing that I
can do to stop it.
It doesn’t happen very often. Since 2006, I can only recall
a handful of times that I was a recipient of a “hug”.
Luckily I am still of sound mind and I ask myself questions
when it happens.
Do I have other symptoms that I believe that go along with
having a heart attack? No.
Is there something going on that would cause me to have a
panic attack? No.
Is there something going on that would cause me to have a
panic attack? Yes. Then why wasn’t I freaking out yesterday or even five minutes
At the end of the day…
I’m not going to die. I may feel like I am going to die, but
I’m not. So I can live with it.
My personal thoughts…
If you ever meet MS out on the streets and it goes in for a
hug…get a restraining order on that bitch and keep it away.
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